A multidisciplinary International Society for Behçet's Disease (ISBD) (derived from the activities of the International Study Group for Behçet's Disease formed in 1977) was established at the 9th International Conference on Behçet's Disease, Seoul, May 2000. To ask for editing services or order term papers you have to explain everything in detail in your future request. You may see possible examples at



1. AIM to advance the knowledge of the aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, natural history, clinical features, treatment and management of Behçet's Disease (BD).


2.1 individual, not representative of country, society or discipline, by application to the Honorary Secretary (see

2.2 three categories of multidisciplinary membership

2.2.1 FULL - medical & dental - physicians and surgeons involved in the clinical care of patients with BD and/or in research - non-medical scientists - those involved in research relevant to BD

2.2.2 ASSOCIATE - members of professions allied to medicine with a particular interest in BD - members of patient self-care groups

2.2.3 SUPPORTING - pharmaceutical industry

2.2.4 HONORARY - by nomination of the Council to the General Assembly of Members (see 4.1)

2.2.5 HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENTS - by nomination of the Council to the General Assembly of members (see 4.1)

2.3 only full and Honorary members have the right to vote at a General Assembly of Members (see 4.1)

2.4 members will be required to pay an annual subscription to cover the organisational costs of the society

3. ACTIVITIES - to extend and communicate knowledge of BD

3.1 these may be delegated to an executive committee

3.2 inter alia these may include:-

3.2.1 organisation of multidisciplinary International Conferences on BD

3.2.2 co-ordination of research activities on an international basis

3.2.3 to provide a forum for communication between interested individuals and groups

3.2.4 to promote the formation of specialist working groups as necessary

3.2.5 to produce a newsletter

3.2.6 to promote acknowledge and support research in BD, with the intentions of supporting the individual researcher

3.2.7 to raise funds to support research in BD

3.2.8 to promote good management of BD

3.2.9 to promote teaching and CME activities on BD

3.2.10 to represent the interests of BD to other professional, scientific, representative and international bodies.


4.1 General Assembly of Members - to be held during each International Conference on BD, under the chairmanship of the President, to:

4.1.1 receive reports from the Executive Committee (see 4.3)

4.1.2 agree such membership dues as necessary from time to time on recommendation of the Executive Committee (noting that the Executive Committee may exercise discretion in individual cases).

4.1.3 receive audited accounts

4.1.4 decide times and venues of International Conferences (see 5)

4.1.5 elect the Council (see 4.2), and officers who form the Executive Committee (see 4.3) on nominations from the Council

4.1.6 elect members (see 2)

4.1.7 conduct any other relevant business

4.2 Council:

      4.2.1 to be chaired by the President, and organised by the Secretary, of the ISBD

4.2.2 to consist of a maximum of 40 full members active in BD

4.2.3 to represent a wide geographical spread

4.2.4 no more than 3 members from any one country

4.2.5 to include chairmen of research groups (see 3.2.4)

4.2.6 to be elected at the General Assembly of Members (see 4.1.5)

4.2.7 to nominate officers of the society (see 4.1.5 & 4.3.5), the Secretary and the Treasurer being nominated by the President (see &, from among their membership for election at the General Assembly of Members

4.2.8 to nominate Honorary Life Presidents to the General Assembly of Members

4.2.9 to nominate Honorary members to the General Assembly of Members

4.2.10 one third of the Council will retire at every General Assembly of Members without direct renewal

4.2.11 a member of Council may be elected as an officer of the ISBD

4.2.12 meetings of Council should be held after the Executive Committee meeting immediately before the International Conference.

4.3 Officers of the ISBD who form the Executive Committee

4.3.1 a term of office shall be deemed to be nominally four years

4.3.2 the officers should, as far as is possible, represent different interested disciplines and geographical regions, and not more than two may come from any one country.

4.3.3 The officers and their terms of office shall be: President - one term of office, not renewable President-elect - one term of office before taking office as President Vice President - one term of office (initially 2 years 2000-2002; and then 4 years) Secretary - one term of office renewable, nominated by the President Treasurer - one term of office renewable, nominated by the President organiser (President) of the previous International Conference organiser (President) of the next International Conference

4.3.4 additional members may be co-opted as necessary

4.3.5 officers shall be elected by the General Assembly of Members on nominations of the Council (see 4.1.5)

4.3.6 Functions - to administer the activities of the ISBD

4.3.7 Meetings of the Executive Committee are to be held: immediately before the International Conference / General Assembly of Members being those officers who have held office since the previous General Assembly before the Council meeting at the end of the International Conference being the newly elected officers and the outgoing members at any other time deemed necessary


5.1 to be held at intervals and at venues decided by the General Assembly of Members (see 4.1.4), on the recommendation of the Executive Committee and Council which will assess the suitability of invitations received

5.2 the programme is to be designed by the organiser/host (President) of the conference in conjunction with a Scientific Advisory Committee which should include the officers (Executive Committee) of the ISBD.

5.3 The President of the conference will convene the Council meeting, Executive Committee meetings and the General Assembly of Members in collaboration with the Honorary Secretary.

5.4 Finances:

5.4.1 International Conferences are to be financially self supporting

5.4.2 a statement of account is to be submitted to the Treasurer and to Executive Committee

5.4.3 any proceeds (profits) are to be divided between the ISBD and the host organisation in a proportion to be decided by the Executive Committee.

    Amendments to the constitution may be recommended to the Council, and after discussion, proposed to a General Assembly of Members. A two-thirds majority of those attending is required to amend the constitution.
    The ISBD may be dissolved on a two-thirds majority of the members. Assets should be passed to an appropriate charity.
